Package 'BDgraph'

Title: Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models using Birth-Death MCMC
Description: Advanced statistical tools for Bayesian structure learning in undirected graphical models, accommodating continuous, ordinal, discrete, count, and mixed data. It integrates recent advancements in Bayesian graphical models as presented in the literature, including the works of Mohammadi and Wit (2015) <doi:10.1214/14-BA889>, Mohammadi et al. (2021) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377>, Dobra and Mohammadi (2018) <doi:10.1214/18-AOAS1164>, and Mohammadi et al. (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.00127>.
Authors: Reza Mohammadi [aut, cre] , Ernst Wit [aut] , Adrian Dobra [ctb]
Maintainer: Reza Mohammadi <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 2.73
Built: 2025-02-20 03:45:08 UTC

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Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models


The R package BDgraph provides statistical tools for Bayesian structure learning in undirected graphical models for continuous, ordinal/count/dicrete, binary, and mixed data. The package is implemented the recent improvements in the Bayesian graphical models' literature, including Mohammadi and Wit (2015), Mohammadi et al. (2023), Mohammadi et al. (2017), and Dobra and Mohammadi (2018). To speed up the computations, the intensive tasks of the package are implemented in parallel using OpenMP in C++ and interfaced with R. Besides, the package contains several functions for simulation and visualization, as well as several multivariate datasets taken from the literature.

How to cite this package

To cite BDgraph in publications use:

Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03


Reza Mohammadi [aut, cre] (<>),
Ernst Wit [aut] (<>),
Adrian Dobra [ctb] (<>).
Maintainer: Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Mohammadi, R., Massam, H. and Letac, G. (2023). Accelerating Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377

Mohammadi, A., et al (2017). Bayesian modelling of Dupuytren disease by using Gaussian copula graphical models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 66(3):629-645, doi:10.1111/rssc.12171

Dobra, A. and Mohammadi, R. (2018). Loglinear Model Selection and Human Mobility, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(2):815-845, doi:10.1214/18-AOAS1164

Vogels, L., Mohammadi, R., Schoonhoven, M., and Birbil, S.I. (2023) Bayesian Structure Learning in Undirected Gaussian Graphical Models: Literature Review with Empirical Comparison, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.02603

Mohammadi, R., Schoonhoven, M., Vogels, L., and Birbil, S.I. (2023) Large-scale Bayesian Structure Learning for Gaussian Graphical Models using Marginal Pseudo-likelihood, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.00127

Vinciotti, V., Behrouzi, P., and Mohammadi, R. (2022) Bayesian structural learning of microbiota systems from count metagenomic data, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2203.10118

Dobra, A. and Lenkoski, A. (2011). Copula Gaussian graphical models and their application to modeling functional disability data, The Annals of Applied Statistics, 5(2A):969-93, doi:10.1214/10-AOAS397

Dobra, A., et al. (2011). Bayesian inference for general Gaussian graphical models with application to multivariate lattice data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106(496):1418-33, doi:10.1198/jasa.2011.tm10465

Mohammadi, A. and Dobra, A. (2017). The R Package BDgraph for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, ISBA Bulletin, 24(4):11-16

Lenkoski, A. (2013). A direct sampler for G-Wishart variates, Stat, 2(1):119-28, doi:10.1002/sta4.23

Pensar, J. et al (2017) Marginal pseudo-likelihood learning of discrete Markov network structures, Bayesian Analysis, 12(4):1195-215, doi:10.1214/16-BA1032

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, bdgraph.dw, bdgraph.sim, compare, rgwish


## Not run: 
library( BDgraph )

set.seed( 10 )

# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'scale-free' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 100, p = 10, graph = "scale-free", vis = TRUE )

# Running algorithm based on GGMs
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, iter = 5000 )

summary( bdgraph.obj )

# To compare the result with true graph
compare( bdgraph.obj, data.sim, main = c( "Target", "BDgraph" ), vis = TRUE )

# Confusion Matrix
conf.mat( actual = data.sim, pred = bdgraph.obj )

conf.mat.plot( actual = data.sim, pred = bdgraph.obj )

# Running algorithm based on GGMs and marginal pseudo-likelihood
bdgraph.mpl.obj <- bdgraph.mpl( data = data.sim, iter = 5000 )

summary( bdgraph.mpl.obj )

# Confusion Matrix
conf.mat( actual = data.sim, pred = bdgraph.mpl.obj )

conf.mat.plot( actual = data.sim, pred = bdgraph.mpl.obj )

# To compare the results of both algorithms with true graph
compare( list( bdgraph.obj, bdgraph.mpl.obj ), data.sim, 
         main = c( "Target", "BDgraph", "BDgraph_mpl" ), vis = TRUE )

## End(Not run)

Compute the area under the ROC curve


This function computes the numeric value of area under the ROC curve (AUC) specifically for graph structure learning.


auc( pred, actual, cut = 200, calibrate = TRUE )



adjacency matrix corresponding to an estimated graph. It can be an object with S3 class "bdgraph" from function bdgraph. It can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph(). It can be a numeric or ordered vector of the same length than actual, containing the predicted value of each observation.


adjacency matrix corresponding to the actual graph structure in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. It can be an object with S3 class "sim" from function bdgraph.sim. It can be an object with S3 class "graph" from function graph.sim. It can be a factor, numeric or character vector of responses (true class), typically encoded with 0 (controls) and 1 (cases). Only two classes can be used in a ROC curve.


number of cut points.


If TRUE, compute the value of AUC by taking the level of the probabilities into account.


The numeric AUC value


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]; Lucas Vogels [email protected]


Tom Fawcett (2006) “An introduction to ROC analysis”. Pattern Recognition Letters 27, 861–874, doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2005.10.010

Xavier Robin, Natacha Turck, Alexandre Hainard, et al. (2011) “pROC: an open-source package for R and S+ to analyze and compare ROC curves”. BMC Bioinformatics, 7, 77, doi:10.1186/1471-2105-12-77.

See Also

plotroc, pROC::plot.roc(), pROC::auc(), pROC::print.roc(), bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, compare


## Not run: 
set.seed( 5 )

# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'scale-free' graph
data.sim = bdgraph.sim( n = 200, p = 15, graph = "scale-free", vis = TRUE )

# Running BDMCMC algorithm 
sample.bdmcmc = bdgraph( data = data.sim, algorithm = "bdmcmc", iter = 10000 )

BDgraph::auc( pred = sample.bdmcmc, actual = data.sim, calibrate = TRUE )

## End(Not run)

Search algorithm in graphical models


As the main function of the BDgraph package, this function consists of several MCMC sampling algorithms for Bayesian model determination in undirected graphical models. To speed up the computations, the birth-death MCMC sampling algorithms are implemented in parallel using OpenMP in C++.


bdgraph( data, n = NULL, method = "ggm", algorithm = "bdmcmc", iter = 5000, 
         burnin = iter / 2, not.cont = NULL, g.prior = 0.2, df.prior = 3, 
         g.start = "empty", jump = NULL, save = FALSE, 
         cores = NULL, threshold = 1e-8, verbose = TRUE, nu = 1 )



there are two options: (1) an (n×pn \times p) matrix or a data.frame corresponding to the data, (2) an (p×pp \times p) covariance matrix as S=XXS=X'X which XX is the data matrix (nn is the sample size and pp is the number of variables). It also could be an object of class "sim", from function bdgraph.sim. The input matrix is automatically identified by checking the symmetry.


number of observations. It is needed if the "data" is a covariance matrix.


character with two options "ggm" (default) and "gcgm". Option "ggm" is for Gaussian graphical models based on Gaussianity assumption. Option "gcgm" is for Gaussian copula graphical models for the data that not follow Gaussianity assumption (e.g. continuous non-Gaussian, count, or mixed dataset).


character with two options "bdmcmc" (default) and "rjmcmc". Option "bdmcmc" is based on birth-death MCMC algorithm. Option "rjmcmc" is based on reverible jump MCMC algorithm. Option "bd-dmh" is based on birth-death MCMC algorithm using double Metropolis Hasting. Option "rj-dmh" is based on reverible jump MCMC algorithm using double Metropolis Hasting.


number of iteration for the sampling algorithm.


number of burn-in iteration for the sampling algorithm.


for the case method = "gcgm", a vector with binary values in which 11 indicates not continuous variables.


for determining the prior distribution of each edge in the graph. There are two options: a single value between 00 and 11 (e.g. 0.50.5 as a noninformative prior) or an (p×pp \times p) matrix with elements between 00 and 11.


degree of freedom for G-Wishart distribution, WG(b,D)W_G(b,D), which is a prior distribution of the precision matrix.


corresponds to a starting point of the graph. It could be an (p×pp \times p) matrix, "empty" (default), or "full". Option "empty" means the initial graph is an empty graph and "full" means a full graph. It also could be an object with S3 class "bdgraph" of R package BDgraph or the class "ssgraph" of R package ssgraph::ssgraph(); this option can be used to run the sampling algorithm from the last objects of previous run (see examples).


it is only for the BDMCMC algorithm (algorithm = "bdmcmc"). It is for simultaneously updating multiple links at the same time to update graph in the BDMCMC algorithm.


logical: if FALSE (default), the adjacency matrices are NOT saved. If TRUE, the adjacency matrices after burn-in are saved.


number of cores to use for parallel execution. The case cores = "all" means all CPU cores to use for parallel execution.


threshold value for the convergence of sampling algorithm from G-Wishart for the precision matrix.


logical: if TRUE (default), report/print the MCMC running time.


prior parameter for option method = "tgm".


An object with S3 class "bdgraph" is returned:


upper triangular matrix which corresponds the estimated posterior probabilities of all possible links.


posterior estimation of the precision matrix.

For the case "save = TRUE" is returned:


vector of strings which includes the adjacency matrices of visited graphs after burn-in.


vector which includes the waiting times of visited graphs after burn-in.


vector which includes the identity of the adjacency matrices for all iterations after burn-in. It is needed for monitoring the convergence of the BD-MCMC algorithm.


vector which includes the waiting times for all iterations after burn-in. It is needed for monitoring the convergence of the BD-MCMC algorithm.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Mohammadi, R., Massam, H. and Letac, G. (2023). Accelerating Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377

Mohammadi, A. et al (2017). Bayesian modelling of Dupuytren disease by using Gaussian copula graphical models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 66(3):629-645, doi:10.1111/rssc.12171

Dobra, A. and Mohammadi, R. (2018). Loglinear Model Selection and Human Mobility, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(2):815-845, doi:10.1214/18-AOAS1164

Vogels, L., Mohammadi, R., Schoonhoven, M., and Birbil, S.I. (2023) Bayesian Structure Learning in Undirected Gaussian Graphical Models: Literature Review with Empirical Comparison, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.02603

Mohammadi, R., Schoonhoven, M., Vogels, L., and Birbil, S.I. (2023) Large-scale Bayesian Structure Learning for Gaussian Graphical Models using Marginal Pseudo-likelihood, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.00127

Mohammadi, A. and Dobra A. (2017). The R Package BDgraph for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, ISBA Bulletin, 24(4):11-16

See Also

bdgraph.mpl, bdgraph.dw, bdgraph.sim, summary.bdgraph, compare


## Not run: 
set.seed( 10 )

# - - Example 1

# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 100, p = 10, size = 15, vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, iter = 1000, save = TRUE )
summary( bdgraph.obj )

# Confusion Matrix
conf.mat( actual = data.sim, pred = bdgraph.obj )

conf.mat.plot( actual = data.sim, pred = bdgraph.obj )
# To compare our result with true graph
compare( bdgraph.obj, data.sim, main = c( "Target", "BDgraph" ), vis = T )

# Running algorithm with starting points from previous run
bdgraph.obj2 <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, g.start = bdgraph.obj )
compare( list( bdgraph.obj, bdgraph.obj2 ), data.sim, 
         main = c( "Target", "Frist run", "Second run" ) )

# - - Example 2

# Generating mixed data from a 'scale-free' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 200, p = 7, type = "mixed", graph = "scale-free", vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, method = "gcgm" )
summary( bdgraph.obj )
compare( bdgraph.obj, data.sim, vis = T )

conf.mat( actual = data.sim, pred = bdgraph.obj )

conf.mat.plot( actual = data.sim, pred = bdgraph.obj )

## End(Not run)

Search algorithm for Gaussian copula graphical models for count data


This function consists of several sampling algorithms for Bayesian structure learning in undirected graphical models for count data. It is based on Gaussian copula graphical models with discrete Weibull distributed marginals. To speed up the computations, the birth-death MCMC sampling algorithms are implemented in parallel using OpenMP in C++.


bdgraph.dw( data, x = NULL, formula = y ~ ., 
            n = NULL, algorithm = "bdmcmc", iter = 5000, 
            burnin = iter / 2, g.prior = 0.2, df.prior = 3,
            ZI = FALSE, iter_bdw = 5000,
            g.start = "empty", jump = NULL, save = FALSE, 
            q = NULL, beta = NULL, pii = NULL,
            cores = NULL, threshold = 1e-8, verbose = TRUE )



(n×pn \times p) matrix or a data.frame corresponding to the data on the p nodes of the graph. It can also be an object of class "sim", from the function bdgraph.sim.


(n×kn \times k) matrix or a data.frame corresponding to the predictors.


object of class formula as a symbolic description of the model for linking each node to the predictors. For the case of data.frame, it is taken as the model frame (see model.frame).


number of observations. It is needed if the "data" is a covariance matrix.


character with two options "bdmcmc" (default) and "rjmcmc". Option "bdmcmc" is based on a birth-death MCMC algorithm. Option "rjmcmc" is based on a reversible jump MCMC algorithm.


number of iterations for the sampling algorithm for graph learning.


number of burn-in iterations for the sampling algorithm for graph learning.


for determining the prior distribution of each edge in the graph. There are two options: a single value between 00 and 11 (e.g. 0.50.5 as a noninformative prior) or a (p×pp \times p) matrix with elements between 00 and 11.


degree of freedom for G-Wishart distribution, WG(b,D)W_G(b,D), which is a prior distribution for the precision matrix.


logical. If FALSE (default), the conditional distribution of each response variable is assumed to be Discrete Weibull given the predictors x. If TRUE, a zero-inflated model will be applied to each response. ZI can be passed also as a vector, in order to specify which of the (p variables) should be fitted with zero-inflation (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


number of iterations for the sampling algorithm to estimate the regression parameters for the Discrete Weibull distribution. It is passed to the bdw.reg function.


corresponds to a starting point of the graph. It could be an (p×pp \times p) matrix, "empty" (default), or "full". Option "empty" means that the initial graph is an empty graph and "full" means a full graph. It also could be an object with S3 class "bdgraph" of R package BDgraph or the class "ssgraph" of R package ssgraph::ssgraph(); this option can be used to run the sampling algorithm from the last objects of the previous run (see examples).


it is only for the BDMCMC algorithm (algorithm = "bdmcmc"). It is for simultaneously updating multiple links at the same time while updating the graph in the BDMCMC algorithm.


logical: if FALSE (default), the adjacency matrices are NOT saved. If TRUE, the adjacency matrices after burn-in are saved.

q, beta

parameters of the discrete Weibull distribution used for the marginals. They should be given either as a (n×pn \times p) matrix (if covariates are present) or as a vector (if covariates are not present). If NULL (default), these parameters are estimated by the bdw.reg function.


vector or matrix of zero-inflation parameters of the zero-inflated discrete Weibull distributions used for the marginals. If NULL (default), this parameter is estimated by the bdw.reg function when ZI = TRUE.


number of cores to use for parallel execution. The case cores = "all" means all CPU cores to use for parallel execution.


threshold value for the convergence of the sampling algorithm from G-Wishart for the precision matrix.


logical: if TRUE (default), report/print the MCMC running time.


An object with S3 class "bdgraph" is returned, containing:


upper triangular matrix corresponding to the estimated posterior probabilities of all possible links.


posterior estimation of the precision matrix.


posterior samples of the regression coefficients of the marginal distributions.

For the case "save = TRUE", the code returns:


vector of strings which includes the adjacency matrices of the graphs visited after burn-in.


vector which includes the waiting times of the graphs visited after burn-in.


vector which includes the identity of the adjacency matrices for all iterations after burn-in. It is needed for monitoring the convergence of the BDMCMC algorithm.


vector which includes the waiting times for all iterations after burn-in. It is needed for monitoring the convergence of the BDMCMC algorithm.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected], Veronica Vinciotti, and Pariya Behrouzi


Vinciotti, V., Behrouzi, P., and Mohammadi, R. (2022) Bayesian structural learning of microbiota systems from count metagenomic data, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2203.10118

Peluso, A., Vinciotti, V., and Yu, K. (2018) Discrete Weibull generalized additive model: an application to count fertility, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 68(3):565-583, doi:10.1111/rssc.12311

Haselimashhadi, H., Vinciotti, V., and Yu, K. (2018) A novel Bayesian regression model for counts with an application to health data, Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(6):1085-1105, doi:10.1080/02664763.2017.1342782

Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Mohammadi, A. et al (2017). Bayesian modelling of Dupuytren disease by using Gaussian copula graphical models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 66(3):629-645, doi:10.1111/rssc.12171

Mohammadi, R., Massam, H. and Letac, G. (2023). Accelerating Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, bdw.reg, bdgraph.sim, summary.bdgraph, compare


## Not run: 
# - - Example 1

# Generating multivariate Discrete Weibull data based on 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 100, p = 10, type = "dw", vis = TRUE )

bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph.dw( data = data.sim, iter = 5000 )

summary( bdgraph.obj )

# To compare the result with true graph
compare( bdgraph.obj, data.sim, main = c( "Target", "BDgraph" ), vis = TRUE )

# - - Example 2

# Generating multivariate Discrete Weibull data based on a 'scale-free' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 100, p = 10, type = "dw", graph = "scale-free", vis = TRUE )

bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph.dw( data = data.sim, iter = 10000 )

summary( bdgraph.obj )

compare( bdgraph.obj, data.sim, main = c( "Target", "BDgraph" ), vis = TRUE )

## End(Not run)

Search algorithm in graphical models using marginal pseudo-likehlihood


This function consists of several sampling algorithms for Bayesian model determination in undirected graphical models based on mariginal pseudo-likelihood. To speed up the computations, the birth-death MCMC sampling algorithms are implemented in parallel using OpenMP in C++.


bdgraph.mpl( data, n = NULL, method = "ggm", transfer = TRUE, 
             algorithm = "bdmcmc", iter = 5000, burnin = iter / 2, 
             g.prior = 0.2, g.start = "empty", 
             jump = NULL, alpha = 0.5, save = FALSE, 
             cores = NULL, operator = "or", verbose = TRUE )



there are two options: (1) an (n×pn \times p) matrix or a data.frame corresponding to the data, (2) an (p×pp \times p) covariance matrix as S=XXS=X'X which XX is the data matrix (nn is the sample size and pp is the number of variables). It also could be an object of class "sim", from function bdgraph.sim. The input matrix is automatically identified by checking the symmetry.


number of observations. It is needed if the "data" is a covariance matrix.


character with two options "ggm" (default), "dgm" and "dgm-binary". Option "ggm" is for Gaussian graphical models based on Gaussianity assumption. Option "dgm" is for discrete graphical models for the count data. Option "dgm-binary" is for discrete graphical models for the data that are binary.


for only 'count' data which method = "dgm" or method = "dgm-binary".


character with two options "bdmcmc" (default) and "rjmcmc". Option "bdmcmc" is based on birth-death MCMC algorithm. Option "rjmcmc" is based on reverible jump MCMC algorithm. Option "hc" is based on hill-climbing algorithm; this algorithm is only for count data which method = "dgm" or method = "dgm-binary".


number of iteration for the sampling algorithm.


number of burn-in iteration for the sampling algorithm.


for determining the prior distribution of each edge in the graph. There are two options: a single value between 00 and 11 (e.g. 0.50.5 as a noninformative prior) or an (p×pp \times p) matrix with elements between 00 and 11.


corresponds to a starting point of the graph. It could be an (p×pp \times p) matrix, "empty" (default), or "full". Option "empty" means the initial graph is an empty graph and "full" means a full graph. It also could be an object with S3 class "bdgraph" of R package BDgraph or the class "ssgraph" of R package ssgraph::ssgraph(); this option can be used to run the sampling algorithm from the last objects of previous run (see examples).


it is only for the BDMCMC algorithm (algorithm = "bdmcmc"). It is for simultaneously updating multiple links at the same time to update graph in the BDMCMC algorithm.


value of the hyper parameter of Dirichlet, which is a prior distribution.


logical: if FALSE (default), the adjacency matrices are NOT saved. If TRUE, the adjacency matrices after burn-in are saved.


number of cores to use for parallel execution. The case cores = "all" means all CPU cores to use for parallel execution.


character with two options "or" (default) and "and". It is for hill-climbing algorithm.


logical: if TRUE (default), report/print the MCMC running time.


An object with S3 class "bdgraph" is returned:


upper triangular matrix which corresponds the estimated posterior probabilities of all possible links.

For the case "save = TRUE" is returned:


vector of strings which includes the adjacency matrices of visited graphs after burn-in.


vector which includes the waiting times of visited graphs after burn-in.


vector which includes the identity of the adjacency matrices for all iterations after burn-in. It is needed for monitoring the convergence of the BD-MCMC algorithm.


vector which includes the waiting times for all iterations after burn-in. It is needed for monitoring the convergence of the BD-MCMC algorithm.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected], Adrian Dobra, and Johan Pensar


Mohammadi, R., Schoonhoven, M., Vogels, L., and Birbil, S.I. (2023) Large-scale Bayesian Structure Learning for Gaussian Graphical Models using Marginal Pseudo-likelihood, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.00127

Dobra, A. and Mohammadi, R. (2018). Loglinear Model Selection and Human Mobility, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(2):815-845, doi:10.1214/18-AOAS1164

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Vogels, L., Mohammadi, R., Schoonhoven, M., and Birbil, S.I. (2023) Bayesian Structure Learning in Undirected Gaussian Graphical Models: Literature Review with Empirical Comparison, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.02603

Mohammadi, A. and Dobra, A. (2017). The R Package BDgraph for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, ISBA Bulletin, 24(4):11-16

Pensar, J. et al (2017) Marginal pseudo-likelihood learning of discrete Markov network structures, Bayesian Analysis, 12(4):1195-215, doi:10.1214/16-BA1032

Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.dw, bdgraph.sim, summary.bdgraph, compare


# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 70, p = 5, size = 7, vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph.mpl( data = data.sim, iter = 500 )
summary( bdgraph.obj )
# To compare the result with true graph
compare( bdgraph.obj, data.sim, main = c( "Target", "BDgraph" ) )

Nonparametric transfer


Transfers non-Gaussian data to Gaussian.


bdgraph.npn( data, npn = "shrinkage", npn.thresh = NULL )



(n×pn \times p) matrix or a data.frame corresponding to the data (nn is the sample size and pp is the number of variables).


character with three options "shrinkage" (default), "truncation", and "skeptic". Option "shrinkage" is for the shrunken transformation, option "truncation" is for the truncated transformation and option "skeptic" is for the non-paranormal skeptic transformation. For more details see references.


truncation threshold; it is only for the truncated transformation (npn= "truncation"). The default value is 1/(4n1/4πlog(n))1/(4n^{1/4} \sqrt{\pi \log(n)}).


(n×pn \times p) matrix of transferred data, if npn = "shrinkage" or "truncation", and a non-paranormal correlation (p×pp \times p) matrix, if npn = "skeptic".


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Liu, H., et al (2012). High Dimensional Semiparametric Gaussian Copula Graphical Models, Annals of Statistics, 40(4):2293-2326

Zhao, T. and Liu, H. (2012). The huge Package for High-dimensional Undirected Graph Estimation in R, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13:1059-1062

See Also

bdgraph.sim, bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 6, p = 4, size = 4 )

data     <- ( data.sim $ data - 3 ) ^ 4
# Transfer the data by truncation 
bdgraph.npn( data, npn = "truncation" )
# Transfer the data by shrunken 
bdgraph.npn( data, npn = "shrunken" )
# Transfer the data by skeptic 
bdgraph.npn( data, npn = "skeptic" )

## End(Not run)

Graph data simulation


Simulating multivariate distributions with different types of underlying graph structures, including "random", "cluster", "smallworld", "scale-free", "lattice", "hub", "star", "circle", "AR(1)", and "AR(2)". Based on the underlying graph structure, the function generates different types of multivariate data, including "Gaussian", "non-Gaussian", "categorical", "pois" (Poisson), "nbinom" (negative binomial), "dweibull" (discrete Weibull), "binary", "t" (t-distribution), "alternative-t", or "mixed" data. This function can be used also for simulating only graphs by setting the option n=0 (default).


bdgraph.sim( p = 10, graph = "random", n = 0, type = "Gaussian", prob = 0.2, 
             size = NULL, mean = 0, class = NULL, cut = 4, b = 3,
             D = diag( p ), K = NULL, sigma = NULL, 
             q = exp(-1), beta = 1, vis = FALSE, rewire = 0.05,
    = c( 3, 5 ), range.dispersion = c( 0.01, 0.1 ), nu = 1 )



number of variables (nodes).


graph structure with options "random", "cluster", "smallworld", "scale-free", "lattice", "hub", "star", "circle", "AR(1)", and "AR(2)". It could also be an adjacency matrix corresponding to a graph structure (an upper triangular matrix in which gij=1g_{ij}=1 if there is a link between nodes ii and jj, otherwise gij=0g_{ij}=0).


number of samples required. Note that for the case n = 0, only the graph is generated.


type of data with options "Gaussian" (default), "non-Gaussian", "categorical", "pois", "nbinom", "dweibull", "binary", "mixed", "t", and "alternative-t". For the option "Gaussian", data are generated from a multivariate normal distribution. For the option "non-Gaussian", data are transfered from a multivariate normal distribution to a continuous multivariate non-Gaussian distribution via Exponential marginals. For the option "categorical", data are transfered from a multivariate normal distribution to multivariate 'categorical' data. For the option "pois", data are transfered from a multivariate normal distribution to a multivariate Poisson distribution. For the option "nbinom", data are transfered from a multivariate normal distribution to a multivariate Negative Binomial distribution. For the option "dweibull", data are transfered from a multivariate normal distribution to a multivariate discrete Weibull distribution with parameters q and beta. For the option "binary", data are generated directly from the joint distribution, in this case pp must be less than 1717. For the option "mixed", data are transfered from a multivariate normal distribution to a mixture of 'categorical', 'non-Gaussian', 'binary' and 'Gaussian', respectively.


if graph = "random", it is the probability that a pair of nodes has a link.


number of links in the true graph (graph size).


vector specifying the mean of the variables.


if graph = "cluster", it is the number of classes.


if type = "categorical", it is the number of categories for simulating 'categorical' data.


degree of freedom for G-Wishart distribution, WG(b,D)W_G(b, D).


positive definite (p×p)(p \times p) "scale" matrix for G-Wishart distribution, WG(b,D)W_G(b, D). The default is an identity matrix.


if graph = "fixed", it is a positive-definite symmetric matrix, corresponding to the true precision matrix.


if graph = "fixed", it is a positive-definite symmetric matrix corresponding to the true covariance matrix.

q, beta

if type = "dweibull", they are the parameters of the discrete Weibull distribution with density

p(x,q,β)=qxβq(x+1)β,x={0,1,2,}.p( x, q, \beta ) = q^{x^{\beta}}-q^{(x+1)^{\beta}}, \quad \forall x = \{ 0, 1, 2, \ldots \}.

They can be given either as a vector of length p or as an (n×pn \times p) matrix, e.g. if covariates are available and a regression model is used.


visualize the true graph structure.


rewiring probability for smallworld network. Must be between 0 and 1., range.dispersion

if type = "nbinom", vector with two elements specifying the range of parameters for the Negative Binomial distribution.


if type = "t" or "alternative-t", it is the parameter of the t distribution with density.


An object with S3 class "sim" is returned:


generated data as an (n×pn \times p) matrix.


covariance matrix of the generated data.


precision matrix of the generated data.


adjacency matrix corresponding to the true graph structure.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected], Pariya Behrouzi, Veronica Vinciotti, Ernst Wit, and Alexander Christensen


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

graph.sim, bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( p = 10, n = 50, prob = 0.3, vis = TRUE )

print( data.sim )
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'hub' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( p = 6, n = 3, graph = "hub", vis = FALSE )

round( data.sim $ data, 2 )
# Generating mixed data from a 'hub' graph 
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( p = 8, n = 10, graph = "hub", type = "mixed" )

round( data.sim $ data, 2 )

# Generating only a 'scale-free' graph (with no data) 
graph.sim <- bdgraph.sim( p = 8, graph = "scale-free" )

plot( graph.sim )

graph.sim $ G

## End(Not run)

Bayesian estimation of (zero-inflated) Discrete Weibull regression


Bayesian estimation of the parameters for Discrete Weibull (DW) regression. The conditional distribution of the response given the predictors is assumed to be DW with parameters q and beta, dependent on the predictors, and, with an additional parameter pi under zero inflation.


bdw.reg( data, formula = NA, iter = 5000, burnin = NULL, 
         dist.q = dnorm, dist.beta = dnorm, 
         par.q = c( 0, 1 ), par.beta = c( 0, 1 ), par.pi = c( 1, 1 ), 
         initial.q = NULL, initial.beta = NULL, initial.pi = NULL, 
         ZI = FALSE, scale.proposal = NULL, adapt = TRUE, print = TRUE )



data.frame or matrix corresponding to the data, containing the variables in the model.


object of class formula as a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. For the case of data.frame, it is taken as the model frame (see model.frame).


number of iterations for the sampling algorithm.


number of burn-in iterations for the sampling algorithm.


Prior density for the regression coefficients associated to the parameter q. The default is a Normal distribution (dnorm). Any density function which has two parameters and can support the log = TRUE flag can be used, e.g. dnorm, dlnorm, dunif etc.


Prior density for the regression coefficients associated to the parameter beta. The default is a Normal distribution (dnorm). Any density function which has two parameters and can support the log = TRUE flag can be used, e.g. dnorm, dlnorm, dunif etc.


vector of length two corresponding to the parameters of dist.q.


vector of length two corresponding to the parameters of dist.beta.


vector of length two corresponding to the parameters of the beta prior density on pi.

initial.q, initial.beta, initial.pi

vector of initial values for the regression coefficients and for pi (if ZI = TRUE).


logical: if FALSE (default), the conditional distribution of the response given the predictors is assumed to be DW with parameters q and beta. If TRUE, a zero-inflated DW distribution will be applied.


scale of the proposal function. Setting to lower values results in an increase in the acceptance rate of the sampler.


logical: if TRUE (default), the proposals will be adapted. If FALSE, no adapting will be applied.


logical: if TRUE (default), tracing information is printed.


The regression model uses a logit link function on q and a log link function on beta, the two parameters of a DW distribution, with probability mass function given by

DW(y)=qyβq(y+1)β,y=0,1,2,DW(y) = q^{y^\beta} - q^{(y+1)^\beta}, y = 0, 1, 2, \ldots

For the case of zero inflation (ZI = TRUE), a zero-inflated DW is considered:

f(y)=(1pi)I(y=0)+piDW(y)f(y) = (1 - pi) I(y = 0) + pi DW(y)

where 0pi10 \leq pi \leq 1 and I(y=0)I(y = 0) is an indicator for the point mass at zero for the response y.



MCMC samples


posterior estimates of q


posterior estimates of beta


posterior estimates of pi


acceptance rate of the MCMC algorithm


Veronica Vinciotti, Reza Mohammadi [email protected], and Pariya Behrouzi


Vinciotti, V., Behrouzi, P., and Mohammadi, R. (2022) Bayesian structural learning of microbiota systems from count metagenomic data, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2203.10118

Peluso, A., Vinciotti, V., and Yu, K. (2018) Discrete Weibull generalized additive model: an application to count fertility, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 68(3):565-583, doi:10.1111/rssc.12311

Haselimashhadi, H., Vinciotti, V. and Yu, K. (2018) A novel Bayesian regression model for counts with an application to health data, Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(6):1085-1105, doi:10.1080/02664763.2017.1342782

See Also

bdgraph.dw, bdgraph, ddweibull, bdgraph.sim


## Not run: 
# - - Example 1

q    = 0.6
beta = 1.1
n    = 500

y = BDgraph::rdweibull( n = n, q = q, beta = beta )

output = bdw.reg( data = y, y ~ ., iter = 5000 )

output $ q.est
output $ beta.est

traceplot( output $ sample[ , 1 ], acf = T, pacf = T )
traceplot( output $ sample[ , 2 ], acf = T, pacf = T )

# - - Example 2

q    = 0.6
beta = 1.1
pii  = 0.8
n    = 500

y_dw = BDgraph::rdweibull( n = n, q = q, beta = beta )
z = rbinom( n = n, size = 1, prob = pii ) 
y = z * y_dw

output = bdw.reg( data = y, iter = 5000, ZI = TRUE )

output $ q.est
output $ beta.est
output $ pi.est

traceplot( output $ sample[ , 1 ], acf = T, pacf = T )
traceplot( output $ sample[ , 2 ], acf = T, pacf = T )
traceplot( output $ sample[ , 3 ], acf = T, pacf = T )

# - - Example 3

theta.q    = c( 0.1, -0.1, 0.34 )  # true parameter
theta.beta = c( 0.1, -.15, 0.5  )  # true parameter

n  = 500

x1 = runif( n = n, min = 0, max = 1.5 )
x2 = runif( n = n, min = 0, max = 1.5 )

reg_q = theta.q[ 1 ] + x1 * theta.q[ 2 ] + x2 * theta.q[ 3 ]
q     = 1 / ( 1 + exp( - reg_q ) )

reg_beta = theta.beta[ 1 ] + x1 * theta.beta[ 2 ] + x2 * theta.beta[ 3 ]
beta     = exp( reg_beta )

y = BDgraph::rdweibull( n = n, q = q, beta = beta )

data = data.frame( x1, x2, y ) 

output = bdw.reg( data, y ~. , iter = 5000 )

# - - Example 4

theta.q    = c( 1, -1, 0.8 )  # true parameter
theta.beta = c( 1, -1, 0.3 )  # true parameter
pii = 0.8

n  = 500

x1 = runif( n = n, min = 0, max = 1.5 )
x2 = runif( n = n, min = 0, max = 1.5 )

reg_q = theta.q[ 1 ] + x1 * theta.q[ 2 ] + x2 * theta.q[ 3 ]
q     = 1 / ( 1 + exp( - reg_q ) )

reg_beta = theta.beta[ 1 ] + x1 * theta.beta[ 2 ] + x2 * theta.beta[ 3 ]
beta     = exp( reg_beta )

y_dw = BDgraph::rdweibull( n = n, q = q, beta = beta )
z    = rbinom( n = n, size = 1, prob = pii ) 
y    = z * y_dw

data = data.frame( x1, x2, y ) 

output = bdw.reg( data, y ~. , iter = 5000, ZI = TRUE )

## End(Not run)

Bayes factor for two graphs


Compute the Bayes factor for two graph structures.


bf( num, den, bdgraph.obj, log = TRUE )


num, den

adjacency matrix corresponding to the true graph structure in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. It can be an object with S3 class "graph" from function graph.sim. It can be an object with S3 class "sim" from function bdgraph.sim.


object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph. It also can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph().


character value. If TRUE the Bayes factor is given as log(BF).


single numeric value, the Bayes factor of the two graph structures num and den.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, compare, bdgraph.sim


## Not run: 
        # Generating multivariate normal data from a 'circle' graph
        data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, graph = "circle", vis = TRUE )

        # Running sampling algorithm
        bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim )

        graph_1 <- graph.sim( p = 6, vis = TRUE )
        graph_2 <- graph.sim( p = 6, vis = TRUE )

        bf( num = graph_1, den = graph_2, bdgraph.obj = bdgraph.obj )
## End(Not run)

Graph structure comparison


This function provides several measures to assess the performance of the graphical structure learning.


compare( pred, actual, main = NULL, vis = FALSE )



adjacency matrix corresponding to an estimated graph. It can be an object with S3 class "bdgraph" from function bdgraph. It can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph(). It can be an object of S3 class "select", from the function of R package huge. It also can be a list of above objects for comparing two or more different approaches.


adjacency matrix corresponding to the true graph structure in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. It can be an object with S3 class "sim" from function bdgraph.sim. It can be an object with S3 class "graph" from function graph.sim.


character vector giving the names for the result table.


logical: if TRUE, visualize the true graph and estimated graph structures.


True positive

number of correctly estimated links.

True negative

number of true non-existing links which is correctly estimated.

False positive

number of links which they are not in the true graph, but are incorrectly estimated.

False negative

number of links which they are in the true graph, but are not estimated.


weighted average of the "positive predictive" and "true positive rate". The F1-score value reaches its best value at 1 and worst score at 0.


Specificity value reaches its best value at 1 and worst score at 0.


Sensitivity value reaches its best value at 1 and worst score at 0.


Matthews Correlation Coefficients (MCC) value reaches its best value at 1 and worst score at 0.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected], Antonio Abbruzzo, and Ivan Vujacic


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, bdgraph.sim, plotroc


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, size = 7, vis = TRUE )
# Running sampling algorithm based on GGMs 
sample.ggm <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, method = "ggm", iter = 10000 )
# Comparing the results
compare( sample.ggm, data.sim, main = c( "True", "GGM" ), vis = TRUE )
# Running sampling algorithm based on GCGMs
sample.gcgm <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, method = "gcgm", iter = 10000 )

# Comparing GGM and GCGM methods
compare( list( sample.ggm, sample.gcgm ), data.sim, 
         main = c( "True", "GGM", "GCGM" ), vis = TRUE )

## End(Not run)

Confusion Matrix


Create a Confusion Matrix.


conf.mat( pred, actual, cutoff = 0.5, proportion = FALSE, 
                     dnn = c( "Prediction", "Actual" ), ... )



adjacency matrix corresponding to an estimated graph. It can be an object with S3 class "bdgraph" from function bdgraph. It can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph().


adjacency matrix corresponding to the actual graph structure in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. It can be an object with S3 class "sim" from function bdgraph.sim. It can be an object with S3 class "graph" from function graph.sim. It can be a factor, numeric or character vector of responses (true class), typically encoded with 0 (controls) and 1 (cases). Only two classes can be used in a ROC curve.


cutoff value for the case that pred is vector of probabilites. The default is 0.5.


logical: FALSE (default) for a confusion matrix with number of cases. TRUE, for a confusion matrix with the proportion of cases.


names to be given to the dimensions in the result (the dimnames names).


further arguments to be passed to table.


the results of table on pred and actual.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]

See Also

conf.mat.plot, compare, roc, bdgraph


## Not run: 
set.seed( 100 )

# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, size = 7, vis = TRUE )

# Running sampling algorithm based on GGMs 
sample.ggm <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, method = "ggm", iter = 10000 )

# Confusion Matrix for GGM method
conf.mat( pred = sample.ggm, actual = data.sim )

## End(Not run)

Plot Confusion Matrix


Plot a Confusion Matrix.


conf.mat.plot( pred, actual, cutoff = 0.5, conf.level = 0, margin = 1, 
                          color = c( "#ff83a8", "#83ff9b" ), ... )



adjacency matrix corresponding to an estimated graph. It can be an object with S3 class "bdgraph" from function bdgraph. It can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph().


adjacency matrix corresponding to the actual graph structure in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. It can be an object with S3 class "sim" from function bdgraph.sim. It can be an object with S3 class "graph" from function graph.sim. It can be a factor, numeric or character vector of responses (true class), typically encoded with 0 (controls) and 1 (cases). Only two classes can be used in a ROC curve.


cutoff value for the case that pred is vector of probabilites. The default is 0.5.


confidence level used for the confidence rings on the odds ratios. Must be a single nonnegative number less than 1; if set to 0 (the default), confidence rings are suppressed.


numeric vector with the margins to equate. Must be one of 1 (the default), 2, or c(1, 2), which corresponds to standardizing the row, column, or both margins in each 2 by 2 table. Only used if std equals "margins".


vector of length 2 specifying the colors to use for the smaller and larger diagonals of each 2 by 2 table.


options to be passed to fourfoldplot.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]

See Also

conf.mat, compare, roc, bdgraph


## Not run: 
set.seed( 100 )

# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, size = 7, vis = TRUE )

# Running sampling algorithm based on GGMs 
sample.ggm <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, method = "ggm", iter = 10000 )

# Confusion Matrix for GGM method
conf.mat.plot( pred = sample.ggm, actual = data.sim )

## End(Not run)

Estimated covariance matrix


Provides the estimated covariance matrix.


covariance( bdgraph.obj, round = 2 )



object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph. It also can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph().


value for rounding all probabilities to the specified number of decimal places.


matrix which corresponds the estimated covariance matrix.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Mohammadi, R., Massam, H. and Letac, G. (2023). Accelerating Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377

See Also

bdgraph, precision, plinks


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'circle' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 70, p = 6, graph = "circle", vis = TRUE )

bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim )

covariance( bdgraph.obj ) # Estimated covariance matrix
data.sim $ sigma   # True covariance matrix

## End(Not run)

The Discrete Weibull Distribution (Type 1)


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the discrete Weibull distribution (type I) with parameters qq and β\beta.


ddweibull( x, q = exp( -1 ), beta = 1, zero = TRUE )
pdweibull( x, q = exp( -1 ), beta = 1, zero = TRUE )
qdweibull( p, q = exp( -1 ), beta = 1, zero = TRUE )
rdweibull( n, q = exp( -1 ), beta = 1, zero = TRUE )



vector of quantiles.


vector of probabilities.

q, beta

shape and scale parameters, the latter defaulting to 1.


logical; if TRUE (default), the support contains 00; FALSE otherwise.


number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the number required.


The discrete Weibull distribution has density given by

f(x)=qxβq(x+1)β,x=0,1,2,f(x) = q^{x^\beta} - q^{(x+1)^\beta}, x = 0, 1, 2, \ldots

For the case zero = FALSE:

f(x)=q(x1)βqxβ,x=1,2,f(x) = q^{(x-1)^\beta} - q^{x^\beta}, x = 1, 2, \ldots

Cumulative distribution function

F(x)=1q(x+1)βF(x) = 1-q^{(x+1)^\beta}

For the case zero = FALSE, x+1 should replaced by x.


ddweibull gives the density, pdweibull gives the distribution function, qdweibull gives the quantile function, and rdweibull generates random values.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected], Pariya Behrouzi, Veronica Vinciotti


Nakagawa, T. and Osaki, S. (1975). The Discrete Weibull Distribution. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R-24, 300-301, doi:10.1109/TR.1975.5214915

See Also

dweibull, bdw.reg, bdgraph.dw


n    = 1000
q    = 0.4
beta = 0.8

set.seed( 7 )

rdw = rdweibull( n = n, q = q, beta = beta )

plot( prop.table( table( rdw ) ), type = "h", col = "gray50" )

x = 0:max( rdw )

lines( x, ddweibull( x = x, q = q, beta = beta ), type = "o", col = "blue", lwd = 2 )

hist( pdweibull( x = rdw, q = q, beta = beta ) )

plot( ecdf( rdw ) )
lines( x, pdweibull( x, q = q, beta = beta ), col = "blue", lwd = 2, type = "s" )

Human gene expression dataset


The dataset contains human gene expression of 100100 transcripts (with unique Illumina TargetID) measured on 6060 unrelated individuals.


data( geneExpression )


The format is a matrix with 60 rows (number of individuals) and 100 column (number of transcripts).


Bhadra, A. and Mallick, B. K. (2013). Joint High Dimensional Bayesian Variable and Covariance Selection with an Application to eQTL Analysis, Biometrics, 69(2):447-457, doi:10.1111/biom.12021

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889


data( geneExpression )

dim( geneExpression )
head( geneExpression )

Normalizing constant for G-Wishart


Calculates log of the normalizing constant of G-Wishart distribution based on the Monte Carlo method, developed by Atay-Kayis and Massam (2005).


gnorm( adj, b = 3, D = diag( ncol( adj ) ), iter = 100 )



adjacency matrix corresponding to the graph structure. It is an upper triangular matrix in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0.


degree of freedom for G-Wishart distribution, WG(b,D)W_G(b, D).


positive definite (p×p)(p \times p) "scale" matrix for G-Wishart distribution, WG(b,D)W_G(b,D). The default is an identity matrix.


number of iteration for the Monte Carlo approximation.


Log of the normalizing constant approximation using Monte Carlo method for a G-Wishart distribution, KWG(b,D)K \sim W_G(b, D), with density:

Pr(K)=1I(b,D)K(b2)/2exp{12trace(K×D)}.Pr(K) = \frac{1}{I(b, D)} |K| ^ {(b - 2) / 2} \exp \left\{- \frac{1}{2} \mbox{trace}(K \times D)\right\}.


Log of the normalizing constant of G-Wishart distribution.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Atay-Kayis, A. and Massam, H. (2005). A monte carlo method for computing the marginal likelihood in nondecomposable Gaussian graphical models, Biometrika, 92(2):317-335, doi:10.1093/biomet/92.2.317

Mohammadi, R., Massam, H. and Letac, G. (2023). Accelerating Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377

Uhler, C., et al (2018) Exact formulas for the normalizing constants of Wishart distributions for graphical models, The Annals of Statistics 46(1):90-118, doi:10.1214/17-AOS1543

See Also

rgwish, rwish


## Not run: 
# adj: adjacency matrix of graph with 3 nodes and 2 links
adj <- matrix( c( 0, 0, 1,
                  0, 0, 1,
                  0, 0, 0 ), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE )		                
gnorm( adj, b = 3, D = diag( 3 ) )

## End(Not run)

Graph simulation


Simulating undirected graph structures, including "random", "cluster", "scale-free", "lattice", "hub", "star", and "circle".


graph.sim( p = 10, graph = "random", prob = 0.2, size = NULL, class = NULL, vis = FALSE,
           rewire = 0.05 )



number of variables (nodes).


undirected graph with options "random", "cluster", "smallworld", "scale-free", "lattice", "hub", "star", and "circle". It also could be an adjacency matrix corresponding to a graph structure (an upper triangular matrix in which gij=1g_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise gij=0g_{ij}=0).


if graph = "random", it is the probability that a pair of nodes has a link.


number of links in the true graph (graph size).


if graph = "cluster", it is the number of classes.


visualize the true graph structure.


rewiring probability for smallworld network. Must be between 0 and 1.


The adjacency matrix corresponding to the simulated graph structure, as an object with S3 class "graph".


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Alexander Christensen


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

bdgraph.sim, bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl


# Generating a 'hub' graph 
adj <- graph.sim( p = 8, graph = "scale-free" )

plot( adj )


Extract links from an adjacency matrix


Extract links from an adjacency matrix or an object of calsses "sim" from function bdgraph.sim and "graph" from function graph.sim.


link2adj( link, p = NULL )



(2×p2 \times p) matrix or a data.frame corresponding to the links from the graph structure.


number of nodes of the graph.


An adjacency matrix corresponding to a graph structure in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

adj2link, graph.sim


# Generating a 'random' graph 
adj <- graph.sim( p = 6, vis = TRUE )

link <- adj2link( adj )

link2adj( link, p = 6 )

Graph structure comparison


Computes (weighted) mean squared error.


mse( pred, actual, weight = FALSE )



adjacency matrix corresponding to an estimated graph. It can be an object with S3 class "bdgraph" from function bdgraph. It can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph(). It can be an object of S3 class "select", from the function of R package huge. It also can be a list of above objects for comparing two or more different approaches.


adjacency matrix corresponding to the true graph structure in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. It can be an object with S3 class "sim" from function bdgraph.sim. It can be an object with S3 class "graph" from function graph.sim.


for the case of weighted MSE.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]; Lucas Vogels [email protected]


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

compare, auc, bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, bdgraph.sim, plotroc


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, size = 7, vis = TRUE )
# Running sampling algorithm based on GGMs 
sample.ggm <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, method = "ggm", iter = 10000 )
# To compute the value of MSE
mse( pred = sample.ggm, actual = data.sim )

# To compute the value of weighted MSE
mse( pred = sample.ggm, actual = data.sim, weight = 0.5 )

## End(Not run)

Posterior probabilities of the graphs


Provides the estimated posterior probabilities for the most likely graphs or a specific graph.


pgraph( bdgraph.obj, number.g = 4, adj = NULL )



object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph.


number of graphs with the highest posterior probabilities to be shown. This option is ignored if 'adj' is specified.


adjacency matrix corresponding to a graph structure. It is an upper triangular matrix in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. It also can be an object of S3 class "sim", from function bdgraph.sim.



adjacency matrices which corresponding to the graphs with the highest posterior probabilities.


vector of the posterior probabilities of the graphs corresponding to 'selected\_g'.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Mohammadi, R., Massam, H. and Letac, G. (2023). Accelerating Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, size = 6, vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, save = TRUE )
# Estimated posterior probability of the true graph
pgraph( bdgraph.obj, adj = data.sim )
# Estimated posterior probability of first and second graphs with highest probabilities
pgraph( bdgraph.obj, number.g = 2 )

## End(Not run)

Plot function for S3 class "bdgraph"


Visualizes structure of the selected graphs which could be a graph with links for which their estimated posterior probabilities are greater than 0.5 or graph with the highest posterior probability.


## S3 method for class 'bdgraph'
plot( x, cut = 0.5, number.g = NULL, main = NULL, 
           layout = igraph::layout_with_fr, vertex.size = 2, vertex.color = "orange", 
           vertex.frame.color = "orange", vertex.label = NULL, vertex.label.dist = 0.5, 
           vertex.label.color = "blue", edge.color = "lightblue", ... )



object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph.


threshold for including the links in the selected graph based on the estimated posterior probabilities of the links; See the examples.


number of graphs with the highest probabilities. This option works for the case running function bdgraph() with option save = TRUE; See the examples.


Graphical parameter (see plot).


vertex placement which is according to R package igraph; For different layouts, see layout of R package igraph.


vertex size which is according to R package igraph.


vertex color which is according to R package igraph.


vertex frame color which is according to R package igraph.


vertex label. The default vertex labels are the vertex ids.


vertex label distance which is according to R package igraph.


vertex label color which is according to R package igraph.


edge color which is according to R package igraph.


additional plotting parameters. For the complete list, see igraph.plotting of R package igraph.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl


## Not run: 
set.seed( 100 )

# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 100, p = 15, graph = "random", prob = 0.2, vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim )
plot( bdgraph.obj )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, save = TRUE )
plot( bdgraph.obj, cut = 0.5 )

plot( bdgraph.obj, number.g = 4 )

## End(Not run)

Plot function for S3 class "graph"


Visualizes structure of the graph.


## S3 method for class 'graph'
plot( x, cut = 0.5, mode = "undirected", diag = FALSE, main = NULL, 
           layout = igraph::layout_with_fr, vertex.size = 2, vertex.color = "orange", 
           vertex.frame.color = "orange", vertex.label = NULL, vertex.label.dist = 0.5, 
           vertex.label.color = "blue", edge.color = "lightblue", ... )



object of S3 class "graph", from function graph.sim.


for the case where input 'x' is the object of class "bdgraph" or "ssgraph". Threshold for including the links in the selected graph based on the estimated posterior probabilities of the links.


type of graph which is according to R package igraph.


logical which is according to R package igraph.


graphical parameter (see plot).


vertex placement which is according to R package igraph; For different layouts, see layout of R package igraph.


vertex size which is according to R package igraph.


vertex color which is according to R package igraph.


vertex frame color which is according to R package igraph.


vertex label. The default vertex labels are the vertex ids.


vertex label distance which is according to R package igraph.


vertex label color which is according to R package igraph.


edge color which is according to R package igraph.


additional plotting parameters. For the complete list, see igraph.plotting of R package igraph.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

graph.sim, bdgraph.sim, plot.igraph


# Generating a 'scale-free' graph 
adj <- graph.sim( p = 20, graph = "scale-free" )

plot( adj )

Plot function for S3 class "sim"


Visualizes structure of the simulated graph for an object of S3 class "sim", from function bdgraph.sim.


## S3 method for class 'sim'
plot( x, ... )



object of S3 class "sim", from function bdgraph.sim.


additional plotting parameters. See plot.graph and for the complete list igraph.plotting of R package igraph.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

graph.sim, bdgraph.sim, plot.graph, plot.igraph


set.seed( 10 )

# Generating synthetic multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 10, p = 15 )
plot( data.sim )

Convergence plot


Visualizes the cumulative occupancy fractions of all possible links in the graph. It can be used for monitoring the convergence of the sampling algorithms, BDMCMC and RJMCMC.


plotcoda( bdgraph.obj, thin = NULL, control = TRUE, main = NULL, 
                  verbose = TRUE, ... )



object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph. It also can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph().


option for getting fast result for a cumulative plot according to part of the iteration.


logical: if TRUE (default) and the number of nodes is greater than 15, then 100 links randomly is selected for visualization.


graphical parameter (see plot).


logical: if TRUE (default), report/print the calculation progress.


system reserved (no specific usage).


Note that a spending time for this function depends on the number of nodes. For fast result, you can choose bigger value for the 'thin' option.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, traceplot


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'circle' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, graph = "circle", vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, iter = 10000, burnin = 0 , save = TRUE )
plotcoda( bdgraph.obj )  

## End(Not run)

ROC plot


Draws the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve according to the true graph structure for object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph.


plotroc( pred, actual, cut = 200, smooth = FALSE, calibrate = TRUE, 
         linetype = NULL, color = NULL, size = 1, main = "ROC Curve", 
         xlab = "False Postive Rate", ylab = "True Postive Rate",
         legend = TRUE, legend.size = 17, legend.position = c( 0.7, 0.3 ),
         labels = NULL, auc = TRUE, theme = ggplot2::theme_minimal() )



upper triangular matrix corresponding to the estimated posterior probabilities for all possible links. It can be an object with S3 class "bdgraph" from function bdgraph. It can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph(). It can be an object of S3 class "select", from the function of R package huge. Options est2, est3 and est4 are for comparing two or more different approaches.


adjacency matrix corresponding to the true graph structure in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. It can be an object with S3 class "sim" from function bdgraph.sim. It can be an object with S3 class "graph" from function graph.sim.


number of cut points.


logical: for smoothing the ROC curve.


If TRUE, compute the value of AUC by taking the level of the probabilities into account.


specification for the default plotting line type.


specification for the default plotting color.


specification for the default plotting line size.


overall title for the plot.


title for the x axis.


title for the y axis.


logical: for adding legend to the ROC plot.


title for the x axis.


title for the y axis.


for legends of the legend to the ROC plot.


logical: to report AUC with legend.


theme for the plot from the function ggplot2::ggplot() of R package ggplot2::ggplot().


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]; Lucas Vogels [email protected]


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Mohammadi, R., Massam, H. and Letac, G. (2023). Accelerating Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377

See Also

roc, pROC::plot.roc(), pROC::auc(), bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, compare


## Not run: 
# To generate multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 30, p = 6, size = 7, vis = TRUE )
# To Run sampling algorithm
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, iter = 10000 )

# To compare the results
plotroc( bdgraph.ob2j, data.sim )
# To compare the results based on CGGMs approach
bdgraph.obj2 <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, method = "gcgm", iter = 10000 )

# To Compare the resultss
plotroc( list( bdgraph.obj, bdgraph.obj2 ), data.sim, legend = FALSE )

## End(Not run)

Posterior Predictive Samples


Provides samples from the posterior predictive distribution.


posterior.predict( object, iter = 1, ... )



object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph.


number of predictions.


additional parameters.


a matrix containing the predicted datasets, corresponding to the samples from the joint posterior disribtuion.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Mohammadi, R., Massam, H. and Letac, G. (2023). Accelerating Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377

Dobra, A. and Mohammadi, R. (2018). Loglinear Model Selection and Human Mobility, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(2):815-845, doi:10.1214/18-AOAS1164

Vogels, L., Mohammadi, R., Schoonhoven, M., and Birbil, S.I. (2023) Bayesian Structure Learning in Undirected Gaussian Graphical Models: Literature Review with Empirical Comparison, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.02603

Mohammadi, R., Schoonhoven, M., Vogels, L., and Birbil, S.I. (2023) Large-scale Bayesian Structure Learning for Gaussian Graphical Models using Marginal Pseudo-likelihood, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.00127

Mohammadi, A. et al (2017). Bayesian modelling of Dupuytren disease by using Gaussian copula graphical models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 66(3):629-645, doi:10.1111/rssc.12171

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, bdgraph.dw


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, size = 7, vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim )
posterior.predict( bdgraph.obj, iter = 20 )

## End(Not run)

Estimated precision matrix


Provides the estimated precision matrix.


precision( bdgraph.obj, round = 2 )



object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph. It also can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph().


value for rounding all probabilities to the specified number of decimal places.


matrix which corresponds the estimated precision matrix.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

bdgraph, covariance, plinks


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'circle' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 70, p = 6, graph = "circle", vis = TRUE )

bdgraph.obj   <- bdgraph( data = data.sim )

precision( bdgraph.obj ) # Estimated precision matrix
data.sim $ K   # True precision matrix

## End(Not run)

Predict function for S3 class "bdgraph"


Provides predict values of the results for function bdgraph.


## S3 method for class 'bdgraph'
predict( object, iter = 1, ... )



object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph.


number of predictions.


additional parameters.


a matrix containing the predicted datasets, corresponding to the samples from the joint posterior disribtuion.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Mohammadi, R., Massam, H. and Letac, G. (2023). Accelerating Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377

Dobra, A. and Mohammadi, R. (2018). Loglinear Model Selection and Human Mobility, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(2):815-845, doi:10.1214/18-AOAS1164

Vogels, L., Mohammadi, R., Schoonhoven, M., and Birbil, S.I. (2023) Bayesian Structure Learning in Undirected Gaussian Graphical Models: Literature Review with Empirical Comparison, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.02603

Mohammadi, R., Schoonhoven, M., Vogels, L., and Birbil, S.I. (2023) Large-scale Bayesian Structure Learning for Gaussian Graphical Models using Marginal Pseudo-likelihood, arXiv preprint, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.00127

Mohammadi, A. et al (2017). Bayesian modelling of Dupuytren disease by using Gaussian copula graphical models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 66(3):629-645, doi:10.1111/rssc.12171

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, bdgraph.dw


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, size = 7, vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim )
predict( bdgraph.obj, iter = 20 )

## End(Not run)

Print function for S3 class "bdgraph"


Prints the information about the selected graph which could be a graph with links for which their estimated posterior probabilities are greater than 0.5 or graph with the highest posterior probability. It provides adjacency matrix, size and posterior probability of the selected graph.


## S3 method for class 'bdgraph'
print( x, ... )



object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph.


system reserved (no specific usage).


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim )
print( bdgraph.obj )

## End(Not run)

Print function for S3 class "sim"


Prints the information about the type of data, the sample size, the graph type, the number of nodes, number of links and sparsity of the true graph.


## S3 method for class 'sim'
print( x, ... )



object of S3 class "sim", from function bdgraph.sim.


system reserved (no specific usage).


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

graph.sim, bdgraph.sim


# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph 
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 20, p = 10, vis = TRUE )
print( data.sim )

Risk factors of coronary heart disease


The dataset consist of 66 discrete variables as the potential risk factors of coronary heart disease. The data collected from 18411841 men employed of a car factory in Czechoslovakia (Reinis et al. 1981).


data( reinis )


The format is a matrix with 18411841 rows (number of individuals) and 66 column (number of variables).


Edwards and Havranek (1985). A fast procedure for model search in multidimensional contingency tables, Biometrika, 72:339-351

Reinis et al (1981). Prognostic significance of the risk profile in the prevention of coronary heart disease, Bratis. lek. Listy, 76:137-150

Mohammadi, A. and Dobra, A. (2017). The R Package BDgraph for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, ISBA Bulletin, 24(4):11-16


data( reinis )

summary( reinis )

Sampling from G-Wishart distribution


Generates random matrices, distributed according to the G-Wishart distribution with parameters bb and DD, WG(b,D)W_G(b, D) with respect to the graph structure GG. Note this fuction works for both non-decomposable and decomposable graphs.


rgwish( n = 1, adj = NULL, b = 3, D = NULL, threshold = 1e-8 )



number of samples required.


adjacency matrix corresponding to the graph structure which can be non-decomposable or decomposable. It should be an upper triangular matrix in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. adj could be an object of class "graph", from function graph.sim. It also could be an object of class "sim", from function bdgraph.sim. It also could be an object of class "bdgraph", from functions bdgraph.mpl or bdgraph.


degree of freedom for G-Wishart distribution, WG(b,D)W_G(b, D).


positive definite (p×p)(p \times p) "scale" matrix for G-Wishart distribution, WG(b,D)W_G(b, D). The default is an identity matrix.


threshold value for the convergence of sampling algorithm from G-Wishart.


Sampling from G-Wishart distribution, KWG(b,D)K \sim W_G(b, D), with density:

Pr(K)K(b2)/2exp{12trace(K×D)},Pr(K) \propto |K| ^ {(b - 2) / 2} \exp \left\{- \frac{1}{2} \mbox{trace}(K \times D)\right\},

which b>2b > 2 is the degree of freedom and DD is a symmetric positive definite matrix.


A numeric array, say AA, of dimension (p×p×n)(p \times p \times n), where each A[,,i]A[,,i] is a positive definite matrix, a realization of the G-Wishart distribution, WG(b,D)W_G(b, D). Note, for the case n=1n=1, the output is a matrix.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Lenkoski, A. (2013). A direct sampler for G-Wishart variates, Stat, 2:119-128, doi:10.1002/sta4.23

Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

See Also

gnorm, rwish


# Generating a 'circle' graph as a non-decomposable graph
adj <- graph.sim( p = 5, graph = "circle" )
adj    # adjacency of graph with 5 nodes
sample <- rgwish( n = 1, adj = adj, b = 3, D = diag( 5 ) )
round( sample, 2 ) 

sample <- rgwish( n = 5, adj = adj )
round( sample, 2 )

Generate data from the multivariate Normal distribution


Random generation function from the multivariate Normal distribution with mean equal to meanmean and covariance matrix sigmasigma.


rmvnorm( n = 10, mean = rep( 0, length = ncol( sigma ) ), 
             sigma = diag( length( mean ) ) )



Number of observations.


Mean vector, default is rep(0,length=ncol(sigma))rep( 0, length = ncol( sigma ) ).


positive definite covariance matrix, default is diag(length(mean))diag( length( mean ) ).


A numeric matrix with rows equal to nn and columns equal to length(mean)length( mean ).


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]

See Also

bdgraph.sim, rwish, rgwish


mean  <- c( 5, 20 )       
sigma <- matrix( c( 4, 2,
                    2, 5 ), 2, 2 )  # covariance matrix

sample <- rmvnorm( n = 500, mean = mean, sigma = sigma )
plot( sample )

Build a ROC curve


This function builds a ROC curve specifically for graph structure learning and returns a “roc” object, a list of class “roc”. This object can be printed, plotted, or passed to the functions pROC::roc(), pROC::ci(), pROC::smooth.roc() and pROC::coords(). Additionally, two roc objects can be compared with pROC::roc.test(). This function is based on the roc function of R package pROC.


roc( pred, actual, auc = TRUE, smooth = FALSE, plot = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, ... )



adjacency matrix (or a vector) corresponding to an estimated graph. It can be an object with S3 class "bdgraph" from function bdgraph. It can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph(). It can be a numeric or ordered vector of the same length than actual, containing the predicted value of each observation.


adjacency matrix (or a vector) corresponding to the actual graph structure in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. It can be an object with S3 class "sim" from function bdgraph.sim. It can be an object with S3 class "graph" from function graph.sim. It can be a factor, numeric or character vector of responses (true class), typically encoded with 0 (controls) and 1 (cases). Only two classes can be used in a ROC curve.


if TRUE, the ROC curve is passed to smooth to be smoothed.


compute the area under the curve (AUC)? If TRUE (default), additional arguments can be passed to pROC::auc().


plot the ROC curve? If TRUE, additional arguments can be passed to pROC::plot.roc().


if TRUE, turn off messages when direction and levels are auto-detected.


further arguments to be passed to pROC::roc().


If the data contained any NA value and na.rm=FALSE, NA is returned. Otherwise, if smooth=FALSE, a list of class “roc” with the following fields:


if called with auc=TRUE, a numeric of class “auc” as defined in pROC::auc().


if called with ci=TRUE, a numeric of class “ci” as defined in pROC::ci().


the response vector. Patients whose response is not %in% levels are discarded. If NA values were removed, a na.action attribute similar to na.omit stores the row numbers.


predictor vector converted to numeric as used to build the ROC curve. Patients whose response is not %in% levels are discarded. If NA values were removed, a na.action attribute similar to na.omit stores the row numbers.

original.predictor, original.response

response and predictor vectors as passed in argument.


levels of the response as defined in argument.


predictor values for the control observations.


predictor values for the cases.


if the sensitivities, specificities and AUC are reported in percent, as defined in argument.


direction of the comparison, as defined in argument.


function used to compute sensitivities and specificities. Will be re-used in bootstrap operations.


sensitivities defining the ROC curve.


specificities defining the ROC curve.


thresholds at which the sensitivities and specificities were computed. See below for details.


how the function was called. See function for more details.

If smooth=TRUE a list of class “smooth.roc” as returned by pROC::smooth(), with or without additional elements auc and ci (according to the call).


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]; Lucas Vogels [email protected]


Tom Fawcett (2006) “An introduction to ROC analysis”. Pattern Recognition Letters 27, 861–874, doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2005.10.010

Xavier Robin, Natacha Turck, Alexandre Hainard, et al. (2011) “pROC: an open-source package for R and S+ to analyze and compare ROC curves”. BMC Bioinformatics, 7, 77, doi:10.1186/1471-2105-12-77.

See Also

plotroc, pROC::plot.roc(), pROC::auc(), pROC::print.roc(), bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl, compare


## Not run: 
set.seed( 5 )

# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'scale-free' graph
data.sim = bdgraph.sim( n = 200, p = 15, graph = "scale-free", vis = TRUE )

# Running BDMCMC algorithm 
sample.bdmcmc = bdgraph( data = data.sim, algorithm = "bdmcmc", iter = 10000 )

# ROC curve for BDMCMC algorithm 
roc.bdmcmc = BDgraph::roc( pred = sample.bdmcmc, actual = data.sim, plot = TRUE )

# Running RJMCMC algorithm
sample.rjmcmc = bdgraph( data = data.sim, algorithm = "rjmcmc", iter = 10000 )

# ROC curve for RJMCMC algorithm
roc.rjmcmc = BDgraph::roc( pred = sample.rjmcmc, actual = data.sim, plot = TRUE )

# ROC curve for both BDMCMC and RJMCMC algorithms
pROC::ggroc( list( BDMCMC = roc.bdmcmc, RJMCMC = roc.rjmcmc ) )

## End(Not run)

Sampling from Wishart distribution


Generates random matrices, distributed according to the Wishart distribution with parameters bb and DD, W(b,D)W(b, D).


rwish( n = 1, p = 2, b = 3, D = diag( p ) )



number of samples required.


number of variables (nodes).


degree of freedom for Wishart distribution, W(b,D)W(b, D).


positive definite (p×p)(p \times p) "scale" matrix for Wishart distribution, W(b,D)W(b, D). The default is an identity matrix.


Sampling from Wishart distribution, KW(b,D)K \sim W(b, D), with density:

Pr(K)K(b2)/2exp{12trace(K×D)},Pr(K) \propto |K| ^ {(b - 2) / 2} \exp \left\{- \frac{1}{2} \mbox{trace}(K \times D)\right\},

which b>2b > 2 is the degree of freedom and DD is a symmetric positive definite matrix.


A numeric array, say AA, of dimension (p×p×n)(p \times p \times n), where each A[,,i]A[,,i] is a positive definite matrix, a realization of the Wishart distribution W(b,D)W(b, D). Note, for the case n=1n=1, the output is a matrix.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Lenkoski, A. (2013). A direct sampler for G-Wishart variates, Stat, 2:119-128, doi:10.1002/sta4.23

Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

gnorm, rgwish


sample <- rwish( n = 3, p = 5, b = 3, D = diag( 5 ) )

round( sample, 2 )

Graph selection


Provides the selected graph which, based on input, could be a graph with links for which their estimated posterior probabilities are greater than 0.5 (default) or a graph with the highest posterior probability; see examples.


select( bdgraph.obj, cut = NULL, vis = FALSE )



matrix in which each element response to the weight of the links. It can be an object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph. It can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph().


threshold for including the links in the selected graph based on the estimated posterior probabilities of the links; see the examples.


visualize the selected graph structure.


An adjacency matrix corresponding to the selected graph.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Mohammadi, R., Massam, H. and Letac, G. (2023). Accelerating Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1996377

Dobra, A. and Mohammadi, R. (2018). Loglinear Model Selection and Human Mobility, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(2):815-845, doi:10.1214/18-AOAS1164

Mohammadi, A. et al (2017). Bayesian modelling of Dupuytren disease by using Gaussian copula graphical models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 66(3):629-645, doi:10.1111/rssc.12171

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, size = 7, vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim )
select( bdgraph.obj )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, save = TRUE )
select( bdgraph.obj )
select( bdgraph.obj, cut = 0.5, vis = TRUE )

## End(Not run)

Compute the sparsity of a graph


Compute the sparsity of a graph/network or an object of calss "graph" from function graph.sim or an object of calss "sim" from function bdgraph.sim.


sparsity( adj )



adjacency matrix corresponding to a graph structure in which aij=1a_{ij}=1 if there is a link between notes ii and jj, otherwise aij=0a_{ij}=0. It can be an object with S3 class "graph" from function graph.sim. It can be an object with S3 class "sim" from function bdgraph.sim.


value corresponding to the graph sparsity which is the proportion of the non-links (non-zero elements) in adj.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected]


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

graph.sim, adj2link, link2adj


# Generating a 'random' graph 
adj <- graph.sim( p = 10, graph = "random", prob = 0.4, vis = TRUE )

sparsity( adj )

Summary function for S3 class "bdgraph"


Provides a summary of the results for function bdgraph.


## S3 method for class 'bdgraph'
summary( object, round = 2, vis = TRUE, ... )



object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph.


value for rounding all probabilities to the specified number of decimal places.


visualize the results.


additional plotting parameters for the case vis = TRUE. See plot.graph.



adjacency matrix corresponding to the selected graph which has the highest posterior probability.


upper triangular matrix corresponding to the posterior probabilities of all possible links.


estimated precision matrix.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

See Also

bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, size = 7, vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim )
summary( bdgraph.obj )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, save = TRUE )
summary( bdgraph.obj )
summary( bdgraph.obj, vis = FALSE )

## End(Not run)

Labor force survey data


The survey dataset concerns 1002 males in the U.S labor force, described by Hoff (2007). The seven observed variables which have been measured on various scales are as follow: the income (income), degree (degree), the number of children (children), parents income (pincome), parents degree (pdegree), number of parents children (pchildren), and age (age).


data( surveyData )


The format is a matrix with 1002 rows (number of individuals) and 7 column (number of variables).


Hoff, P. (2007). Extending the rank likelihood for semiparametric copula estimation, The Annals of Applied Statistics, 1(1), 265-283.

Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03


data( surveyData )

summary( surveyData )

Trace plot of graph size


Trace plot for graph size for the objects of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph. It is a tool for monitoring the convergence of the sampling algorithms, BDMCMC and RJMCMC.


traceplot ( bdgraph.obj, acf = FALSE, pacf = FALSE, main = NULL, ... )



object of S3 class "bdgraph", from function bdgraph. It also can be an object of S3 class "ssgraph", from the function ssgraph::ssgraph() of R package ssgraph::ssgraph().


visualize the autocorrelation functions for graph size.


visualize the partial autocorrelations for graph size.


graphical parameter (see plot).


system reserved (no specific usage).


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Ernst Wit


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30, doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i03

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138, doi:10.1214/14-BA889

Dobra, A. and Mohammadi, R. (2018). Loglinear Model Selection and Human Mobility, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(2):815-845, doi:10.1214/18-AOAS1164

Mohammadi, A. et al (2017). Bayesian modelling of Dupuytren disease by using Gaussian copula graphical models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 66(3):629-645, doi:10.1111/rssc.12171

Mohammadi, A. and Dobra, A. (2017). The R Package BDgraph for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, ISBA Bulletin, 24(4):11-16

See Also

plotcoda, bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl


## Not run: 
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 50, p = 6, size = 7, vis = TRUE )
bdgraph.obj <- bdgraph( data = data.sim, iter = 10000, burnin = 0, save = TRUE )
traceplot( bdgraph.obj )
traceplot( bdgraph.obj, acf = TRUE, pacf = TRUE )

## End(Not run)

transfer for count data


Transfers count data, by counting the duplicated rows.


transfer( r_data )



(n×pn \times p) matrix or a data.frame corresponding to the data (nn is the sample size and pp is the number of variables).


(n×p+1n \times p+1) matrix of transferred data, in which the last column is the frequency of duplicated rows.


Reza Mohammadi [email protected] and Adrian Dobra


Mohammadi, A. and Dobra, A. (2017). The R Package BDgraph for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, ISBA Bulletin, 24(4):11-16

Dobra, A. and Mohammadi, R. (2018). Loglinear Model Selection and Human Mobility, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(2):815-845, doi:10.1214/18-AOAS1164

See Also

bdgraph.mpl, bdgraph.sim


# Generating multivariate binary data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( n = 12, p = 4, size = 4, type = "binary" )
r_data   <- data.sim $ data
# Transfer the data
transfer( r_data )